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Membership Services

校园娱乐和健康会员是您使用我们高质量设施的入场券, programs, and services.

从运动空间,运动器材,指导课程到方便的必需品 就像储物柜租赁和毛巾服务一样,我们在这里为您的健身和健康提供支持 journey.

If you're a currently enrolled UHCL student,包括Pearland的UHCL,德克萨斯医疗中心,或在线,你已经是会员了! You can start using Rec Center services right away - log in to rwconnect with your UHCL credentials or visit the Rec Center for details.

邀请社区成员、校友、UHCL雇员和退休人员参加 our affordable rates.

Purchase a Membership

您可以亲自到会员服务台或在网上购买会员资格 rwconnect.

如果您已经加入了UHCL,请使用您的UHCL证书 log in. If you are a community member, sign up for an rwconnect account to access purchase options.

Need help? Call us at 281-283-2331.

Buy Your Membership Browse Pricing

Member Perks

Included with Membership

  • 每天都可以获得高质量的运动器材,室内跑道,和运动员 courts in our award-winning facilities.
  • Group Fitness Classes
  • Intramural sports teams and tournaments
  • Equipment check-out
  • Workout towel service
  • Day-use lockers (no cost)
  • Guest passes (2 per semester)

Additional Services for Purchase

Members, purchase additional services through rwconnect.


Membership Options

We offer monthly recurring, semester, and annual membership options. Anyone age 5 and above is welcome to join the UHCL Recreation and Wellness Center.

7 Day Free Trial

To try out our facilities, complete the online trial membership form. 我们的团队将创建您的试用会员,通过电子邮件确认它是有效的, 并提供签署简短弃权表格的说明以及关于 parking.

Limited to one seven-day trial membership per individual.

Students playing basketball

Membership Model

View Membership Options and Pricing

Types and Pricing

UHCL Enrolled Students

如果您是目前在读的UHCL学生,包括UHCL在Pearland, UHCL at Texas Medical Center, or online, you are already a member of the Recreation and Wellness Center. Log in to rwconnect with your UHCL credentials or visit the Rec Center for details.

作为学费的一部分,你已经支付了专门的学生娱乐费用. 费用包括使用娱乐和健康中心,所有团体健身课程, all Intramural Sports, and special events.  

您的专用费用不包括个人服务,如个人培训, nutrition consultations, or long-term locker rental. Those services must be purchased for a separate fee either online in rwconnect or in-person.

UHCL Continuing Students

如果您目前没有注册课程,则没有有效的会员资格 to the Recreation and Wellness Center. A continuing student is one who was enrolled 于上一学期入学,并计划于下一学期入学. This 包括翘一学期或翘暑期班的学生 plans to return in the next semester

Purchase a Membership

UHCL Faculty/Staff/Retirees

Current employees

Includes full-time, part-time, or temporary status. Payroll deduction options are available for current employees — call or visit the RWC for details.

Employee Perks

  • 教职员工和退休人员可以在30美元的会员资格中增加1名配偶/伴侣 employee discounted rate.
  • Fitness Release Time 为所有符合福利条件的全职UHCL员工提供使用30的机会 他们的正常工作时间的几分钟,每周最多三(3)次,锻炼或 participate in physical fitness activities. Please contact Human Resources for more details.
  • Visit the Human Resources page for more Health and Wellness benefits and offers through your employment benefits. Note: UHCL娱乐和健康中心不是HealthSelect健身的一部分 center program.


UHCL retirees must secure a UHCL ID card from Human Resources 这表明他们在完成会员资格之前的就业状况.

Purchase a Membership

UHCL Alumni and Community

UHCL Alumni

UHCL graduates are eligible to purchase an alumni membership.

Parking must be purchased separately through UHCL Parking Services.




当您亲自购买您的会员时,您将获得停车信息 the Member Services desk in RWC 203. Parking information will be collected by Campus 娱乐和提供给停车服务和您的许可证将在 RWC within 2-3 business days.


Purchase a Membership

Minors Under Age 18

Please see the Minor Membership and Access 页面上的详细信息的未成年人访问,会员资格,和监督要求 individuals under age 18.

Minor Membership and Access Guidelines

Purchase a Membership

Age 4 and Under

No membership needed, but restrictions apply. Read the Minor Membership and Access Guidelines for details.

Health and Human Performance Institute (HHPI)

健康和人类绩效研究所(HHPI)是一项基于社区的倡议 由运动与健康科学学术项目领导并提供资源,专家 指导和以研究为基础的支持,帮助休斯顿海湾地区的人们走上正轨 toward regaining their strength and health.

HHPI的会员资格是通过校园娱乐和娱乐部门购买的 Wellness.

HHPI项目不属于校园娱乐和健康部门. All 会员费,健身计划,咨询会议,个人培训服务 through this membership are all part of HHPI.

在出售HHPI会员资格之前,所有个人都将由HHPI管理部门进行验证. Please contact the HHPI Clinical Director, Dr. Joseph Hazzard, for more information.

Pricing Options


如欲了解更多有关HHPI会员服务及收费的资料,请浏览 HHPI website or email

Purchase a Membership

Day Passes




Purchase at rwconnect or in-person

Guest Passes

所有RWC会员每学期可获得两次免费访客通行证(未成年人除外). 这些可以在学期中的任何时间兑换,不需要购买 beforehand. 只要带一位客人,在办理入住手续时,让RWC的工作人员知道你 我想用你的客人通行证,他们会处理剩下的事情吗.

所有客人都必须提供带照片的身份证件,并填写必要的免责声明. Any 17岁及以下的客人需要父母或法定监护人签署所有免责声明 and all facility access and space restrictions still apply.



Cancellation of Membership

如欲取消非学生会籍,请递交网上取消会籍表格(网址 below). 取消申请必须在下一个结算周期前3个工作日提交 (on the first day of the month.) Otherwise, they will not take effect until the following billing cycle.

There is no charge or penalty for canceling a membership.


RWC Non-Student Membership Cancellation Form


  • Member Login
    Become a Member


    Campus Recreation and Wellness 

    2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 245
    Houston, TX 77058-1002

    Welcome Desk: 281-283-2330
    Member Services: 281-283-2331

    Rec Center Hours

    7 a.m. - 11 p.m.

    7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    Noon - 6 p.m.